by Tom Shackleton

For small businesses, client communications can take up a lot of the working day, and rightly so. You want to maintain excellent relationships with your existing clients and create lasting partnerships with your prospects. Great client communication is essential for this.

For small businesses, client communications can take up a lot of the working day, and rightly so. You want to maintain excellent relationships with your existing clients and create lasting partnerships with your prospects. Great client communication is essential for this.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t save time, add value and provide better client communication, all at the same time. The way to do it? Through digital tools and an Active Website.

An ‘Active Website’ can allow you to automate a large part of your client communications, helping you to focus time on excellent services, and attracting fantastic new business. Here’s how:

Automatically Segment Your Contact Base

An Active Website allows you to automatically segment your client base, depending on how customers interact with your website.

Segment contact base

This means you can target them with contextual and useful information based on the service areas they show interest in. For prospects engaged in the research process, this means they can receive valuable content and contact from your business without you having to manually send it.

For your existing customers, you can provide information relevant to the services you provide them and continue to add value as a supplier.

You can also segment your prospects depending on their stage in the sales pipeline, meaning you can provide the right information at the right time.

Automating this aspect of the sales process helps you minimise client contact time, so you can focus on providing detailed interaction and addressing the concerns of the prospect.

For example, if you are an insurance provider and a particular client is only interested in car insurance, you can ensure that they only receive information on car insurance, meaning your contact will always be relevant to them.

Create Automated Workflows to Effortlessly Maintain Contact

An Active Website also allows you to create automated workflows. These can be triggered by a client action, and provide a series of actions, without you having to manually process each one.

Create workflows

For example, you could set up a workflow to automatically email clients at set intervals, allowing you to maintain regular contact and keep clients updated.

Automated workflows can help you to reduce the time spent on account management, without losing a personal and informative approach.

You can use an active website to automatically follow up with prospects, and when combined with segmenting, you can provide them with valuable and relevant contact on each and every occasion.

This means you can stay at the front of a client or prospect’s mind at all times, informing their research, or adding value as a supplier. You can built trust with contacts and always provide them with the right form of contact, at the right time.

For example, if you’re an internet provider and a client downloads some useful content for your website on data protection, you can automatically send them further content at a later date on the same topic, keeping your business in their mind.

Easily Track and Evaluate Effectiveness

A major advantage of using an active website to automate your client communications, is your ability to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your automation.

Evaluate effectiveness

Every automated email, every content interaction and every form completion can be recorded at tracked back to your communications.

Unlike sending a paper newsletter or print marketing material, you can instantly see which contacts are showing interest and interacting with your communications.

This means you can evaluate and optimise your client communications for the best results. You can note contacts who aren’t interacting with your communications and change your tactic to provide better relevance and communication.

This also means your business can spot prime prospects, focus your attention on them and avoid wasting time on prospects who aren’t showing genuine interest.

For example, if you send out an email newsletter, you can look at the levels of interaction with this campaign and see what interest your customers the most, adapting further campaigns to focus more on these areas.

Key Takeaways

Automating your client communications with digital and an active website allows you to move away from old fashioned methods of client communication and interact with your customers and prospects in a more intelligent way.

You can:

  • Segment your client base
  • Maintain contact automatically
  • Evaluate effectiveness
  • Optimise your communication

If you’re interested in finding out more about how an active website can help you automate client communications, feel free to get in touch and a member of our team will be more than happy to have a chat with you.

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